Support to Receivers

The Columbus Organization provides support to receiver organizations in several ways:

Intermediary Services:

The Columbus Organization can function as an intermediary between the impacted organization and the department responsible for oversight to facilitate the transfer of current services to other providers, support individuals currently served to locate and access a new service provider, and ensure the health and safety of the individuals throughout the transition process, including responsibilities to:

  • Work collaboratively with the impacted organization, involved state agencies, individuals, families, guardians, case managers, and providers to ensure ongoing communication of information regarding the processes to be employed to effect a smooth transition of individuals’ services between the impacted organization and other providers.
  • Facilitate transition planning for the movement of consumers to other service providers at the discretion of the individuals and/or family/guardian.
  • Ensure that the impacted organization takes all reasonable measures to protect the health and safety of the consumers served. Support individuals or individuals whose guardians wish them to remain in the existing home with a new provider of services.
  • Work with the impacted agency to ensure continuity and adequacy of staff during transition.
  • Facilitate assumption of management of existing homes by other providers.
  • Monitor follow-along services for individuals placed with their new provider for a pre-determined period to ensure satisfactory performance of the receiving provider, consumer outcomes, and satisfaction of the consumer and family.
  • Report progress and barriers toward progress to the overseeing department on a regular basis as determined by the State agencies.

Receiver Services:

The Columbus Organization is able to serve as a receiver for an organization that has lost its license to operate, its certification. The Columbus Organization can assume responsibility to:

  • Manage residential homes and day services served by the current organization.
  • Take all possible measures to ensure health and safety of affected individuals in those homes and programs.
  • Take all possible measures to ensure continuity of services for individuals served in identified homes.
  • Provide outreach to stakeholders.
  • Facilitate transition of services to new service provider.
  • Monitor follow-along services with a new provider(s) for a pre-determined period, established by the overseeing department, to ensure satisfactory performance of the receiving provider, consumer outcomes, and satisfaction of the consumer and family.
  • Report progress and barriers toward progress to the overseeing department at agreed-upon intervals.